Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Finally Over

Well, I received the last treatment on Friday. It is now Tuesday morning. The reason for the delay in the update is that once the treatment was completely finalized, i was able to get some rest. I have been feeling ill for the last few weeks of the treatment and I went to bed for two days, the Dr also allowed me to now treat my radiation burn as a burn so the healing process for my skin has begun. It seems like there is never a time to catch up on rest, or chores, or whatever. Just as I knew the time to sleep and recover would be short lived, I had to rise and shine on Monday to start preparing for the big family reunion coming up next week. We actually have some relatives arriving tomorrow, but I am excited to see them, I just hope my attitude and energy will be good while they are here. One of the people to visit early will be my dad. He has been a great source of support to our family as we have battled this cancer now 3 times in the last 3 years.I cant wait to spend some time with him before the rest of the family gets here. My sister is also coming with her husband, and there little boy. he is my sons age so it should be a blast. Well that's all for now, I hope i don't have to write anymore of these entries. I don't see the doctor again until august 10th, I will update the status on this blog after that appointment. That's it for now, Jeff

Saturday, July 3, 2010

26 down 4 to go

Its Saturday and because of the holiday the hospital is not open on Monday so no treatment until Tuesday. This is good because I have such a severe burn on my collarbone area that I need all the time to rest in between treatments. I only have 4 treatments to go and so far the doctor seems optimistic that I will have gotten the entire tumor. We will find out after the treatments when they go back in and do a cat scan. I hope I get more rest today so I can play at the 4th of July concert. Our band has been working on some new songs so we need to perform them live to get a real feel for them. Well I am going to bed and the sun is still out , but that is how it is way up here on the 43rd parallel. I am getting up later when it is dark to light of fireworks a day early because we will be at the concert tomorrow and there will be fireworks in the sky. Well that is all for now. Jeff

Sunday, June 27, 2010

been a long time (22 down 8 to go) I think

it has been at least 8 treatments(I think)  since my last post. many reasons why, but the main one is that it is starting to hurt. Not the typing, the radiation. My skin is inflamed and i use a lotion that has prescription strength numbing stuff in it, otherwise i cant wear any type of clothing over the area because my skin is too sensitive. I am also tired, very tired and the littlest of tasks wears me out. I am also not as hungry as I was before , my stomach is always nauseous and I take medication for that too. The fact that I am typing this is an effort in its self, but I figured if I didn't at least put something up on the board some people might think I'm dead. I have been getting allot of rest but I am still tired. Our band is scheduled to play at a 4th of July concert in Heyburn ID. I think I can do it, because we don,t go on until later in the show and it will have been almost a full 48 hours since my last treatment(just like now) My family has been great. My wife should be awarded an other gold medal for her help,, my children have been great (as usual,when I am sick) and my mother in law is in town to help and it has been great having her here to help. Well the scriptures always keep me full of courage the one that comes to mind for me right now is 1 Chronicles 28:20... "be strong and of good courage , do not fear nor be dismayed, for the LORD GOD will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you,.....    that's all for now , Jeff

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday, day of rest

well, I started today, Sunday off by not going to church, I guess I was just too worn out from the week and needed the extra sleep and rest. My family did go however so that is a good thing. I just stayed in bed and slept for an additional 4 hours. This was good for me, because tomorrow we start right back up again with treatments, all week. I did however upon awakening I did feel somewhat refreshed and did some light gardening, kind of preparing for when the big guns get here.... my mother in law is amazing when it comes to gardens,(I can see where my wife gets her gardening skills from) I cant wait to see what she does with what we started. Its not that I'm expecting her to do anything, its just that I know her, and she wont be able to resist working in the soil. I am now done for the day and am going to get some more rest before the week starts. For some reason the serenity prayer comes to mind as I wind up this week. "God,..grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen" That's all for now, Jeff

Saturday, June 12, 2010

starting to feel it

12 treatments down 18 to go. My brother left this am , after a one week stay. he was a tremendous blessing to us as he assisted with not only driving me home after treatments but also some projects at the house. I am very blessed to have a brother, and he really came through for me this week. I was fortunate enough to see him off this am , he left about 2:30am MDT, I was up because I am starting to feel some of the more sever side effects of the radiation treatment. Sometimes it feels like I cant breath and that's because the radiation exit line passes right through me lower esophagus.This side effect has become increasingly more uncomfortable and it actually woke me up.My brother actually had a prayer cloth fed ex ed from his church and pastors,that had been prayed over,or into whatever the proper term is, for my health and recovery. Its actually a t-shirt and so except for when it needs washing I will be wearing it everyday for the duration of the treatments and recovery. We had a prayer ceremony last night and my entire family prayed over me and layed hands on me in my new "shirt" it was great. My brothers spiritual life has been growing at tremendous speed and I pray only the best for him and his wife so they may be powerful servants for the lord... I have tried to stay busy with projects around the house, but I am starting to feel fatigued and I know I need rest, but I dread just laying in bed , it can get really depressing. My mother in law is the next  relative due in for support and the girls, and boy are really excited about her coming. She has a green thumb and we are starting to plant our short season garden so she will be such a blessing to us right now. I am very tired and sore , I am noticing that my skin is subject to easy bruising and cuts. I had this the last time so its not as freaky to me this time. The scripture that I am drawing my strength from today is Joshua 1:9 ..."be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid nor dismayed, for the Lord you God is with you where ever you go...." well that's all for now, Jeff

Monday, June 7, 2010

8 treatments down 22 to go

well, my brother is finally here helping out, and what a help he has been, I am getting to the point in the treatments where I am getting fatigued and irritable immediately following the treatment, so it was nice to have a driver today. I weighed in last Thursday and I actually gained weight.!!! The Doctor suspects i am retaining water due to the medications they have me on for this round of the radiation. I am now up about 5 pounds, and the Doctor wants me to continue eating as usual. That's good because i am becoming fond of cupcake pebbles, either by the bowl or sprinkled on anything. They are like fruity pebbles or cocoa pebbles but a lot better. After treatment today my brother drove me to my favorite music store and we played pool, on this new table they got in there. then we played some songs on the guitars and then I was just too tired. Well I am going to take a short nap and then its back at it tomorrow. We leave at 6:45am to be there by 8:15. Tomorrow my brother is going to be allowed to watch the entire procedure from prep to nuke. It only takes about 15 minutes but it should be interesting for him. In a spiritual perspective I think of how tired and painful my day to day life has become and I compare it to the sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross, and I am basically a wimp. He paid the ultimate price for our sins and did it all in love. Well that's it for now.. thanks for listening to my head, Jeff

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wednesday's treatment, same ol,same ol

Well, its Wednesday and treatment number 5, 5 down and 25 to go. Today I am tired, and irritable and have a sore throat, actually it's not my throat its the area below the voice box and above the stomach, it feels like constant heartburn that cant be fixed with Rolaids or tums, so its is really burning right now. I have a headache behind my eyes that wont subside, but other than all of that, I am alive and my children are a blessing to me and my wife is a wonderful spouse that God himself must have selected for me. Because I am not that smart. Well, it is Wednesday and the Dr. was supposed to meet with me every Wednesday to check my progress, but that has been postponed until tomorrow, so I have to wait until then to see if we can treat the pain in my esophagus. Also i will weigh in tomorrow and see if I have lost any weight or held my own. I actually feel like I have gained weight. I have been very hungry all of the time and have not denied myself anything to eat. so we will see. I am hungry right now but I have some pain in my throat area so I don't have an appetite  for any pain swallowing might cause right now.My appointment tomorrow has been moved up to 7:15am instead of 10:30, due to the fact we need to go to the Homeschooling curriculum sale that is held once a year in Nampa at the annual convention. It looks like a long day for me, but we are taking my car so the ride should be comfortable. The bummer is we have to leave my house at 5:45am to make it on time.
Its a good thing we have my father in law here to watch the kids or our life would be a living....well you get the picture. A scripture that always gives me strength to carry on in times like this is Romans 8: 31..."Go what shall we say to these things ? If God be for us,who can be against us?...." 
well that all for now, I need to be in bed early, Jeff